A single eQMS platform

Cognidox offers medical device consultants a single eQMS platform that works out of the box. Inside is everything you need to get all your clients started, structuring their documentation and business processes to meet the unique demands of the industry.

eQMS software med dev consultants

Forget the way eQMS software used to be sold and resold

As a consultant, it's your main goal to get medical device companies up to speed. However, charging the earth for access to clunky eQMS solutions just stops clients' development projects from taking off. It stops developers from bringing new products to market rapidly and on budget. Also, as you're working fee-based, it stops you from building stable, recurring revenue.

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No hidden fees

At Cognidox, we do things differently. We let you set up as many developer clients as you need on a single platform. Then, we give you and your clients everything you need from day one with no hidden modular fees.

One annual fee covers the first 10 end-users

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New clients up and running within minutes

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Build your own QMS template(s)

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Build your own training matrix

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One system manages ALL your clients

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Training and support from Cognidox

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Partner referral program

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Joint marketing & event support

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Fly through audits with a fully compliant system

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Hear from one of our consultancy clients

Avanti Europe is a specialist consultancy for the life science industry. They use Cognidox and their Limited Access Partner features to give their clients bespoke, early access to the robust document management, BMS and eQMS tools that will be vital for their commercial journey. By doing so, they built a recurring revenue stream while decreasing the time and effort to set up a client’s eQMS by 50%. Read the full story below!

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It’s everything you need for internal training, compliance & best commercial practice.

Fabio Cirillo,

Avanti Europe

Why go with Cognidox?

In this video, Dr Paul Hercock, CEO of MantraSystems, explains why he chose to work with us.

"We liked Cognidox so much that we now use it extensively for our own business purposes." 
Dr Paul Hercock, 
CEO of MantraSystems


Standard features

Workflow automation

Document control

Software validation

Compliant e-signatures

Training tools

Quality modules

Customer success stories

Experience Cognidox

Book a no obligation live 60-minute demo and discover if Cognidox is the right fit for your business.

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