When mistakes can cost millions, you need the tools to control your process and minimise your risk.

When products are complex and deadlines are tight you can’t afford to lose momentum. But document anarchy and siloed operations slow up even the best high-tech developers. It doesn’t need to be like this. A controlling document management platform can help keep everything and everybody on track.


Enabling innovators to innovate

For high-tech projects to succeed, your document management system must flex and scale with your needs. It should support frictionless creative collaboration at the start of your development process, then let you tightly control specifications as you prepare designs for release. It should ensure your team is always working on the same version of a document; tracking changes for approval, eliminating the risk of errors emerging as you iterate drafts. This is exactly what Cognidox lets you do - with our LEAN document management system.


Document control – your way

Our engineers have created a cloud-based document control platform founded on LEAN principles. With Cognidox you can build a system of document and design controls that works for you, helping governance and quality become ‘the way you do things’.  

Standard features

Workflow automation

Document control

Project phase gating

ISO 9001:2015 compliance

Training tools

Design release management

What do you really need?

How Displaylink bought order and control to their fabless semiconductor design process as they scaled their business fast with Cognidox


Cognidox for faster, error-free fabless chip development

Document and design control

Ensure your design control is water-tight, with phase-gating and document approval processes that support the unique way you work. Deliver, faster more frictionless collaboration while never losing sight of governance.

Compliance tools

Meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 26262:2018. Build products that exactly meet customer requirements in the fastest, most efficient way. Optimise process control to deliver continuous improvement across your business.

Seamless design release

Errors in the transfer of data and design documentation to your fabrication partner can result in multi-million dollar mistakes. Manage your release to manufacture process with fine-grained access control via a secure Extranet. Ensure data integrity as you assemble and transfer build packs to your partners and track download activity.

Customer success stories

Experience Cognidox

Book a no obligation live 60-minute demo and discover if Cognidox is the right fit for your business.

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