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Paul Walsh

Paul Walsh
Paul Walsh was one of the founders of Cognidox. After a period as an academic working in user experience (UX) research, Paul started a 25-year career in software development. He's worked for multinational telecom companies (Nortel), two $1B Cambridge companies (Ionica, Virata), and co-founded a couple of startup companies. His experience includes network management software, embedded software on silicon, enterprise software, and cloud computing.

Recent Posts

Why SharePoint Deployments Fail: The Business vs IT Dilemma

The AIIM organisation has just published the results from their annual Microsoft SharePoint survey. The sample...

2 min read

The 'R' in CRM: Why Your Business Needs It

Here are five business scenarios that might benefit from a software solution:

3 min read

Using the new online Document Holder editor

1 min read

Unravelling Big Content and Dark Data: Insights from the AIIM Roadshow

AIIM is a non-profit association covering image and information management topics. These are notes from the AI...

3 min read

Why File Sharing is not Document Management

We spent a few hours this week looking at a couple of CRM software solutions and the features they offer.. We ...

2 min read

Unveiling XtraNet: Revolutionising Document Management and Control

We launched our new XtraNet product yesterday and there was a short interview about the new service over at th...

2 min read

Using a Web Archive Document Type for Quality Management Systems

Recently we announced a case study with a partner, Primilis, in which they used a CogniDox feature to implemen...

1 min read

Boosting Collaboration: CogniDox and file sharing in SkyDrive

3 min read

Maximising Savings: Open Source CRM Solutions for Success

Gartner published one of their Hype Cycle reports for CRM Sales a few days back. There's a useful summary on t...

1 min read

What is Channel Panic: The New Challenge in Information Management?

I think I’ve invented a new term - "Channel Panic". Here’s the context. I've been asked to participate in a pr...

1 min read

CogniDox for Microsoft Office Add-in is now available

Today we announced a major re-work of our Microsoft Office add-in. For some time we've offered an add-in for W...

1 min read

Avoid these 5 Common Interview Mistakes made by Product Managers

I was at another excellent meeting last week of the Cambridge Product Management Network which as the name imp...

2 min read

CogniDox WordPress Blog Plug-in: Streamlining Document Management

We moved our CogniDox blog from using a Joomla extension to WordPress a while back. You may have seen us relea...

1 min read

The Importance of Product Management in Startups: Insights from a VC

Last night was the Cambridge Product Manager Network 'gala event' - a special meeting before the summer break ...

2 min read

The Open Source Business Model: Pricing Strategies and Success Secrets

For over a year, I've been following a great series of blog posts by Tarus Balog (founder and main mover of th...

2 min read

Why Automating PDF Conversion with OfficeToPDF is a Game-Changer

This week we released another project under an open source license.

2 min read

Insight into the $245 Billion Worldwide Enterprise Software Market

In a previous blog we threw around some total-size-of-market numbers. Today I see that Gartner has just releas...

The Importance of Document Management for Unassisted Support

A few days back I upgraded to version 4 of the Mozilla Firefox browser because I wanted to test the new user i...

3 min read

Enhancing Integration: CogniDox and Bugzilla 4.0 Integration Guide

You’re a software development leader who takes managing an application lifecycle seriously. You’ve spent time ...

2 min read

Market Domination Strategies for Startups: Insights from Dharmesh Shah

Dharmesh Shah is a serial entrepreneur who is currently involved with They have just announced $3...

2 min read

The Psychology of Software Pricing: A Masterful Overview

This month's Cambridge Product Management Network meeting covered the topic of software pricing. The presenter...

2 min read

Optimising Product Management: Agile Strategies and Best Practices

The Software East group continued its series on Agile software development with a talk by Scrum consultant Rom...

3 min read

Information Security Lessons from Wikileaks: A Closer Look at SIPRnet

The release of 260,000 US embassy messages by Wikileaks this week is certainly generating headlines. I don't k...

3 min read

The Importance of Software Risk Management and Source Code Access

There was an interesting piece of news this week from the NCC Group plc, an information assurance specialist t...

1 min read

Boosting Knowledge Worker Productivity: Overcoming Barriers to Success

I noticed an article on with the above title and it seemed pretty relevant to the news item we pub...

2 min read

People and Documents: Navigating the ECM Landscape

Last Thursday (17th June) the AIIM Roadshow 2010 reached the final day of a four day tour ending in London. Th...

1 min read

The Search Dilemma: Lost Documents in the Digital Workspace

IT Reseller Magazine is today reporting a survey by Networked Planet (an Enterprise Search software company ba...

2 min read

3 Reasons Why Product Management Can Fail: Expert Insights

Tomorrow (Tue, May 18) there's an excellent chance to hear one of the best bloggers and practitioners on the t...

3 min read

On BizSpark and Microsoft Development

We recently released CogniDox 8.1 and amongst the new features was a CogniDox Word Add-in.

3 min read

What is Product Management?

The Cambridge Product Management Network had a useful get-together this week to debate the question: what is p...

3 min read

Measuring the Benefits of Enterprise Software: Insights and Strategies

There was an interesting survey published just over a week ago - Axios Systems, an IT services management soft...

1 min read

Open Source Enterprise Search is a Hot Topic

We published a paper just two days ago on open source Enterprise Search tools such as Lucene/Solr and Xapian/F...

1 min read

Maximizing User Engagement: The Key to Successful Document Management

One of the top issues in all Enterprise Software is that no matter how good the software tool is, unless it is...

1 min read

Building Software in-House – Why?

I came across a survey by Cadence Design Systems, the electronic design automation (EDA) company, in which the...

2 min read

Agile, Continuous Integration and Software Documentation

At an event hosted by the Electronics KTN and DSP Valley I had a conversation with the CEO of Easics NV about ...

3 min read

Register Management and Integrated Software on Silicon

We did an integration project with Verieda Ltd recently and issued a press release about it. Verieda is a new ...

1 min read

Unveiling the Truth: CMS Vendor Checklist Reactions

A month or so back one of the CMS vendors (Day Software AG) posted a blog entry in which they invited (as in t...

1 min read

Adopting a line of Miro source code

Miro, an open-source video aggregation site using VLC media player, has a novel idea for generating funds. The...

1 min read

Everybody wants it now!

Saw this interesting quote today:

CogniDox for R&D document management

Knowledge management and effective document collaboration is critical for R&D companies, and CogniDox is t...

1 min read