DMS Insights from Cognidox

OfficeToPDF Version 1.7 Release: Enhanced PDF Conversion

Written by Paul Walsh | 26 May, 2016

Today we released version 1.7 of our OfficeToPDF open source project for PDF conversion. You can read more about the project here on this website and download the latest version from our CodePlex page.

Updates available in release 1.7:

  • IF fields are properly updated prior to PDF creation
  • Additional file type supported: vdx, vdw, emf, emz, dwg, dxf, wmf
  • Improve support when converting protected documents
  • Perform case-insensitive extension matching when converting with Outlook
  • Improve support for Office 2003 documents
  • Adds the /excel_worksheet option to convert a specific worksheet
  • Fixes an issue with header/footer spacing
  • Fixes an issue with international versions of Office